It is now possible, with a brief video message, to promote events accredited SISC, news, projects, employment opportunities, results of recent publications, and other innovations in headaches.
General information
The maximum duration of a video is 3 minutes.
The videos should be sent to and will be evaluated within 48 hours of receipt. In addition to the video, you should include a photo in jpeg format together with your name, affiliation, and telephone for communications.
The video messages related to the promotion of events must be received at least 5 days before the event.
The video will be uploaded through YouTube therefore it cannot be only an audio (.MP3, .WAV, etc.) or image (.JPG, .PNG, etc.) file. The audio and image files must be converted into a format acceptable for YouTube (see file: Come registrare un video con audio) before uploading.
Videos uploaded through YouTube must comply with the copyright laws and regolations of the community of Youtube.
The videos will remain on the homepage for no more than 3-5 days.
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