Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


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IHS webinar - Gender issues in headache

Friday 8 March 2024

14.00 CET (Central Europe), 13.00 GMT (UK),  
08.00 EST (US East Coast) 
A webinar to be held on Friday 8 March, International Women's Day, will focus on gender issues in headache research: promoting knowledge and transforming perspectives. 
This webinar will be hosted by Gisela Terwindt (Chair of the IHS Women's Leadership Forum), Betül Baykan, and Anna Ambrosini.
They will be joined by:
Irene de Boer (Leiden University Medical School, Netherlands) - Short introduction: gender disparities in headache research and inequalities for women researchers in the field
Britt van der Arend (Leiden University Medical School, Netherlands) - A closer look at the influence of menstruation on migraine
Eloísa Rubio-Beltrán (Kings College London, UK) - Trigeminovascular effects of some migraine treatment options: A role for sex steroids?
Doğa Vuralli (Gazi Universitesi Tıp Fakultesi Hastanesi Noroloji ABD, Turkey) - Medication overuse headache, leaky gut, and sex differences
 The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. 
This webinar is open for anyone to attend - click here to register.

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