Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


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IHS webinars: Child and Adolescent Headache - where to start?

Thursday 22 February 2024
15.00 CET (Central Europe), 14.00 GMT (UK),  
09.00 EST (US East Coast) 

The next IHS live webinar on Thursday 22 February 2024 will focus on Child and Adolescent headache. 

Headache in children and adolescents is a common phenomenon with a high epidemiological, social and patient impact and resultant health system high costs. Improved understanding of recognition, pathophysiology and management is essential to improve these impacts.  
The webinar will be Chaired by Andrew Hershey (Chair of the IHS Child and Adolescent Committee) and Henrik Schytz (Chair of the IHS Education Committee). The presentations in this webinar are from leading experts in child and adolescent headache and include: 
• Diagnosis and Classification: What are the basics for diagnosis? Is the ICHD suitable for young age? Andrew Hershey (Cincinnatti Children's Hospital, USA) 
• Epidemiology: When do headaches present, is there variation by region, age, gender and race? Serena Orr (Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Canada)
• Evaluation of patients, Clinical history: what‘s in the past? What‘s in the present?-Licia Grazzi (Neurological Institute 'C Besta', Milan, Italy) 
• Imaging and lab tests: are they always necessary? Massimiliano Valeriani (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy) 

The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session. 

This webinar is open for anyone to attend - click here to register



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