Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

II National Headache Day 2010

  • May 8, 2010
  • Alba / Ancona / Bari / Brescia / Cagliari / Campi Bisenzio (FI) / Catania / Catanzaro / Como / Falconara Marittima / L’Aquila / Latina / Modena / Padova / Palermo / Pavia / Perugia / Roma / Salerno / Terni

The Italian Society for the Study of Headaches (SISC), a multidisciplinary scientific association founded in 1976, stands as a reference point in promoting correct updated information on headaches, so as to provide all physicians working in clinical practice the most appropriate instruments to address headache disorders, and researchers and experts the opportunity to disseminate the results.
Furthermore, the close relationship between SISC and non-profit patient headache associations allows SISC to adeguately disclose the information, understand the patients’ needs and organise educational projects at a national level. In this regard, SISC has organised a national initiative by establishing the National Headache Day, which will take place throughout Italyon May 8, 2010.
The non-profit event, wanting to be demonstrative/illustrative/informative, will take place in numerous Italian squares or at public health facilities on the same day and will be chaired by medical specialists from the Headache Centers accredited by SISC. The specialists will try to meet the needs of the public with interviews, by answering questions, and by distributing promotional material.
Particular attention will be given to young people, who often suffer from headache from childhood and adolescence, and to the problem of pain chronification, often caused by misuse or abuse of non-specific pain relievers. In this way, the initiative aims to educate on how to properly monitor the headache, the appropriate treatment to follow, in single episodes and in prophylaxis therapy, when required, and the usefulness of highly specialized centers for treatment of "complex" headaches to which the general population, the general practitioner and the neurologist may refer to.
The informative material will be represented in the form of posters displayed around a stand and brochures which will be distributed among the public. In particular, information on the topics described above, as well as the diagnostic characteristics of primary headache, the headachepatient's bill of rights, the list of the centers accredited by SISC in the different regions and informative material from the patient associations will be distributed.
The decision to associate the event with a sport, in particular football, stems from the idea of linking an element of suffering, which is extremely widespread in the general population, to a sport whose essence expresses speed, capacity and at the same time the determination necessary to reach the objective. Thus, SISC would like to reach out especially to those people who have not yet been able to find quick answers, but have the capability and the determination to better address their problems and improve their quality of life, particularly in those situations where headache represents an element of suffering and family, occupational and social distress.
Sport, in its many aspects, which most of the population lives directly or indirectly, is offered as a positive message and above all as a means of expression, socialization, encounter, particularly when young people and children are involved, because they are frequently not valued for their resources and too often abandoned in their suffering.
The interest for disease is always just another expression of interest in life”. (Thomas Mann).


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SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
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    Viale Pieraccini, 18
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