Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

SISC forty years later

Paolo Martelletti - President

As I write these few lines I see a journey that ends, a journey that began in 1976, many years ago.

A bewildered young graduate was told that it was necessary to become a member of the ancient and noble society of his disciplinary field but also, of the newly founded farseeing niche Society. I obeyed, and now, after four decades do not want to give a trite retrospective account of my two-year period in Office; of the things that have been done or only announced, as to the whys of the successes or failures, of the achievements reached in healthy, open or behind-the-scenes discussions. Instead, I would like to bear witness to how our Society has had, in this long period a role, an influence, a capacity of persuasion, such as to be considered, and not only in the present moment, one of the most important political, organizational and scientific Societies globally. Certainly, the changing times have taught us that it does not always pay to be Italians and satisfied hosts, more or less meteoric foreign stars, always and in any case the stage journeyman, on the contrary, working continuously to be present at the international decision-making tables with an equal consolidated and fair dignity, counts more.

Later, this young man was also told, that it was not useful to go to prestigious foreign institutions, and perhaps this was right or perhaps it was not. But today we can confidently testify that the cultural autarky is not always synonymous of impoverishment, and that also at our national tables we can collectively, not only ask to be heard, but orientate the choices of the groups.

I have been honored to lead SISC, to increase the prestige, to stabilize the resources, to ensure plurality and equal partnership between the members, and to defend its polygenic disciplinary nature against any manipulation.

I passionately fought to be on the SISC relay team, with pride I took the baton for my leg and confidently hand it over to the next runner.

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SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
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    Viale Pieraccini, 18
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