Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

Paolo Martelletti

  • President SISC

After a year in office as President of our Scientific Society I would like to share with you the main steps in the advancement of the Society’s activities.

Following the two-year agreement regarding the joint Congresses with ANIRCEF drafted with Prof. Pietro Cortelli, we built together the 1st National Joint Congress which was held in Rome at the National Research Council on October 29 - 31, 2015.

Each Society contributed actively towards the success of this initiative, placing the attention on the need for a generational change. This was made explicit with the invitation of a numerous group of promising young researchers from each Society and for this purpose both Societies committed themselves in providing an economic incentive to facilitate the conclusion of their scientific projects.

The Interdisciplinary School of Headache, under the direction of Francesco Pierelli, continued its educational mission by providing two advanced modules this year.

The Society’s new website has facilitated the use and access to information for physicians, health professionals and patients. Through the website an area has been dedicated to Video messages to disseminate the most relevant information in real time, an initiative managed by Cinzia Costa.

The National Headache Day, an annual lay appointment now in its 7th edition, has involved 22 operational sites producing for the public substantiated information and health education on headaches.

Distance Learning, managed by Fabio Antonaci, is hoisting the sails and will kick off in the spring with a programming that includes 10 core courses and 10 advanced courses.

The autonomy of the Regional Sections in terms of training was totally respected and the Sections with lower training showed positive intents of catching up.

On appointment by the Regional Sections, SISC sent a delegation of 11 young members to the 10th Congress of the European Headache Federation held in Athens, December 11 – 12, 2015, providing a solid foundation for a competitive generational change based on quality.

SISC also offered the possibility of participating at a Communication Course held in Gualdo Tadino on November 27-28, 2015, and another course has also been made available at the end of January 2016, always dedicated to young members.

The activities regarding scientific publishing has seen the consolidation of the journal founded within our Society, The Journal of Headache and Pain and the birth of the Collection Headache and Pain of SpringerPlus, training grounds for newcomers. This international publishing project was shared with the General Secretary, Maria Adele Giamberardino. We will see the results in the next six months, with the assignment of the Impact Factor to SpringerPlus.

The Giornale delle Cefalee, in its new and more attractive layout, under the management of Pierangelo Geppetti’s group, has continued its mission as a news bulletin published quarterly directly online.

SISC’s independent research has been recently launched, and soon an operating National Registry of Chronic Migraine will be available on our site. This first project is entrusted to Franco Granella.

The economic situation skillfully managed by the Treasurer, Anna Ambrosini, is prosperous and stable and no longer presents inaccurate claims.

On October 29, 2015 the General Assembly passed a resolution that will transform the Society into a foundation that will be operative from January 1, 2017. This statutory modification has become necessary both for fiscal purposes and to facilitate the successful conclusion of the strategic partnership that we are living with our friends ANIRCEF, which will end on December 31, 2016.

The 2nd ANIRCEF-SISC Congress 2016, which will be held in Bologna on November 24 – 26, 2016, will therefore represent the celebration phase of the merger, which will by that time be duly signed, to make us understand that only united, we can and we must do better.

Moreover, a great challenge lies immediately ahead: the European Headache Federation has entrusted the Italian group the organization of its XI Congress to be held in Rome on December 1 – 3, 2017.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the members, to the members of the National and Regional Councils, and the SISC Secretariat, Marisa Morson, an example of silent diligence.

Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2016.

Paolo Martelletti

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SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
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    Viale Pieraccini, 18
    50139 Firenze FI
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