Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

XXVIII National SISC Congress

  • Milan
  • 26/06/2014 - 28/06/2014
Congress Centre
Palazzo delle Stelline


This year the National SISC Congress 2014 anticipates the annual appointment with clinicians, researchers and more generally with health care professionals involved in the fields of headache and neuropathic pain in adults, children and adolescents. The scientific programme intends to conduct, the most recent findings in advanced research, the results of innovative interventions and therapeutic procedures, experimental evidence supporting new hypotheses, and clinical and pathophysiological definitions of these disorders, towards a unified interpretation which can be constantly ascribable to the tangible objectives of a Care System - Headache Care - adhering to the foundations of a standard, qualified, validated, safe and inexpensive health care assistance in accordance with what has been accredited at the European level.

The topics proposed will therefore cover specific aspects of pathophysiology with references to basic science (thalamic pain modulation, circuits and mechanisms of abuse/drug addiction, advanced imaging, experimental pain models, and habituation and allodynia) in the prospective of identifying the intermediate phenotypes of disease, on the basis of trait and state markers: biomarkers, neurophysiology parameters of the nociceptive systems, and adaptive responses related to pain and treatments.
Considerable emphasis will be placed on the clinical interpretation, which will focus on the diagnosis of headaches and the appropriateness criteria of the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways under certain conditions and subgroups, in relation to age, gender, history and clinical characteristics of headache: particular forms of migraine aura, cluster headache and other trigeminal - autonomic forms, stages of reproductive life, comorbidities and interactions between treatments, critical review of old and new therapeutic targets (triptans, anti-CGRP, opioids, cannabinoids, botulinum toxin) and the latest neurostimulation/modulation techniques and procedures.

Joint Sessions will also be proposed in this 2014 edition, in collaboration with study groups, scientific societies, associations, institutions and organizations which share the same interests and scientific and clinical objectives of our Society, whose activities are strongly characterized by its multidisciplinary nature and constant commitment towards achieving benefits for patients. This is made possible by SISC’s participation in ongoing national initiatives (Italian Migraine Project) and through the activities of the SISC Regional Sections which interact with the local health system.
As usual, a substantial part of the programme will be dedicated to the specific problems of headache in children and adolescents, to thematic symposia and plenary discussion of selected contributions, encouraging the participation of young clinicians and researchers with specific promotional initiatives.
Professor Giorgio Bono
President SISC

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Organizing secretariat
NICO Congressi S.r.l.

Via Giorgio La Pira, 19/B
Signe Firenze (FI)

  • +39 055 8797796
  • +39 055 8797843

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SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
Registro Persone Giuridiche - Prefettura di Firenze - n. 534/2011
  • Address:
    Viale Pieraccini, 18
    50139 Firenze FI
    P.IVA 05057860487
    C.F. 01529430488
  • Phone: 075 585 8181 (dal lunedì al giovedì: orario: 8:30 - 13:00) Società Scientifica - non effettua visita per cefalee
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