Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

XXV National SISC Congress - Headache, pain e comorbidity

  • Riccione
  • October 7 - 9 2011


The XXV National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Headache (SISC) is an important recurrence because it seals the “silver wedding” between SISC and all the physicians who, in this quarter of a century, have been interested in headaches.
This event continues in the flow of the traditional multidisciplinarity of our conferences, which this year is highlighted by the presence of 5 symposia organized in collaboration with other scientific societies.
Interactive sessions have been organised for discussion among all members of clinical problems and controversies.
Finally,we will have the opportunity to present some initiatives that, in light of the implementation of Law 38/2010, which regulates the management of pain in the health field, aim to incorporate headache among the disorders recognized by the National Health System and the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of this disease in the scheduling of the activities of public health facilities. If these initiatives are successful, we can then state that after 25 congresses headache and "headache specialists" will also have come of age and the specialists will no longer be considered "originals" who are interested in a disease that in reality does “not exist”.
See you in Riccione, 7-9 October 2011.
Prof. Luigi Alberto Pini
XXV Congress SISC

Further informations:

Online Congress Registration and Hotel Accommodation

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Organizing secretariat
Adria Congrex

Via Sassonia, 30
47922 Rimini 

  • 0541 305857
  • 0541 305842


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SISC - Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee
Registro Persone Giuridiche - Prefettura di Firenze - n. 534/2011
  • Address:
    Viale Pieraccini, 18
    50139 Firenze FI
    P.IVA 05057860487
    C.F. 01529430488
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