Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee


Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee

Confinia cephalalgica

Distance Learning Course on Headaches

Fabio Antonaci - Manager, Distance Learning Course on Headaches

Epidemiological data collected in different and extensive population samples with headache show that about 50% of patients do not seek medical care for the treatment of headaches and that 30% of those patients who resort to medical care do not return for the control visit because they are unsatisfied. The percentage of headache diagnoses made by the physician has certainly increased in the course of the third millennium, but from what has been stated, it is clear that this probably is not enough to limit the high socio-economic costs faced by the national health system.

Based on the mission of the European Headache Federation and the European Neurology Society, the Italian Society for the Study of Headaches set up a residential school (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Education in Headache) several years ago with periodic meetings which educated and certified numerous Specialists coming from different disciplines in the headache chapter. However, the evolution in teaching methods is continuously moving towards distance learning which is able to reach potential students with the need to enhance their education but, at times, are unable to attend because of work or other commitments.

The SISC Distance Learning Course on Headaches takes stock of issues frequently encountered in clinical practice. The topics have been divided into two different levels of complexity: a Basic Course has been developed for general practitioners and other professionals (such as, pharmacists, psychologists, physiatrists, dentists etc.) interested in acquiring the knowledge and the skills necessary in approaching the headache patient. The Advanced Course handles more specific aspects of headaches and is targeted for the neurologist or, in any case, for those professionals who already deal with the subject and would like to master more complex clinical situations.

Each audio/video lesson, which lasts about 20 minutes, has been prepared by experts with proven experience in the field. At the end of the course it is possible to complete a multiple-choice questionnaire. For the participants who would like to evaluate the progress achieved with the online course we suggest completing the questionnaire before and after listening to the lessons. The SISC secretariat ( will send you the scores obtained. The series of lectures have been edited for the scientific objectives of the Italian Society for the Study of Headache (SISC). 

Topics include:

1. Collecting medical history in headache
Carlo Lisotto
1. Cardiovascular comorbidities
Simona Sacco
2. Clinical features of migraine with and without aura
Martina Curto
2. Migraine aura: clinical and diagnostic features
Michele Viana
3. Clinical features of tension-type headache
Gianluca Coppola
3. Headache in pregnancy
Franco Granella
4. Cluster headache
Andrea Negro
4. Headache in elderly patients
Rosario Iannacchero
5. The differential diagnosis
Ferdinando Maggioni
5. Symptomatic treatment of migraine with triptans
Maria Adele Giamberardino
6. Trigeminal neuralgia: clinical features and therapy
Marina de Tommaso
6. Antidepressants and headache
Paola Sarchielli
7. Indications for symptomatic and preventive treatment of primary headaches
Silvia Benemei
7. The catamenial headache: clinic and treatment
Maria Pia Prudenzano
8. Instrumental examinations: when and why?
Marta Allena
8. Therapeutic protocols in headache abuse/addiction of symptomatic drugs
Silvia Benemei
9. Secondary headaches: how to recognize them
Filippo Brighina
9. Antiepileptic drugs in migraine patients
Elisa Rubino
10. Headache from overuse of symptomatic medications: clinical features and treatment
Simona Guerzoni
10. Therapeutic diagnostic errors in cluster headache
Fabio Antonaci


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